About Us
Create: When we think of creating, we start with you!
CPS desires to enhance your marketing efforts through the creative use of printed materials, promotional items and various electronic solutions. There are Problems We Can Creatively Solve in every part of your business.
Promote: We want to help you move forward by showing you what is ahead.
Corporate Product Solutions is a graphic communications company. Serving you since 2001. Our team leader, Jeff Spencer, has 18 years experience in graphic communications. There are Products We Offer to effectively promote your business and brand.
Succeed: We have done our job when your company is succeeding.
CPS doesn't provide products, but solutions. A creative agency without the hourly fees, we are here to move you toward ultimate success. Let us share some Ideas For You to lead you to a successful today!
Create. Promote. Succeed. Today.
Case Study

A healthcare plan provider wanted to find a way to expand into a new market and was looking for a way to get the attention of these new prospects.
CPS designed a program utilizing a dimensional mailing strategy. They incorporated a custom expandable envelope with promotional items to go with each month's theme, which was an ideal fit for a small number (100) of targeted prospects.
Although higher cost per unit, dimensional mailings typically provide a 30% response rate as was the case here.