Problems We Solve Events
First impressions are everything. As you attend events outside your company and support events within your company make sure that your name is receiving the recognition it deserves.
CPS can help you utilize Promotional Products, Printing and Multimedia Services to make sure your company stands out at each and every event you participate in.
CPS has worked for several years on gifts for participants in a charity golf outing for a large hospital group foundation. They were looking for something special for the premium level donor and came to CPS for a solution. CPS created a custom golf shoe program for that day. A CPS employee operated a booth that allowed all premium level donors to try on and take home a pair of Nike golf shoes that fit them just right. The participants were thrilled with the lengths the foundation went to recognize them with such a gift and the foundation has experienced increased participation in the event even during the recession economy.
Create. Promote. Succeed. Today.
Case Study

A large Chicago law firm asked CPS to help internally promote their cost advantage in the marketplace to their attorneys so they could expand their business within existing clients.
CPS designed a brochure detailing this cost advantage over their competition. By reinforcing the message internally through promotional items with the branding to match the new brochure, attorneys were challenged to approach clients to discuss other areas of their business.
CPS provided gift ideas for those clients who met with the attorneys and in the midst of a recession the firm grew their business by expanding services provided to current clients.