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Products We Offer eCommerce Solutions


eCommerce uses current and upcoming technology to change the way you do business. Employees and customers alike can have 24/7 access to products, services and solutions that you provide. From online web based marketing to the ability to shop online, CPS can guide your steps in the eCommerce process.


Internally eCommerce helps maintain identity by providing customizable print and marketing material. Externally eCommerce can provide an online store customizable to your business.


eCommerce Includes:

• Brand Control/Corporate Identity
• Group Purchasing Ability
• Inventory Management
• Print Collateral Management
• Reduction of excess spending
• Reduction of waste
• Sales force support
• Supplier & Cost Management

Contact us and start using the newest technology to help your company succeed.

Case Study

A manufacturing company was looking for ways to get trade show attendees to their booth.

CPS presented the design, a branded golf ball tin, and the client sent the empty tins as a pre-show mailing and offered to fill with golf balls to those who came by their booth.

Attendance at their booth was up significantly as were leads and sales tracked from that show over previous years.